do guys love like girls do?


you see in movies how guys fall in love but in real life do guys fall in love or is it just lust? its not really a good question but i really want to know the truth.

Category: asked October 16, 2013

8 Answers

I was madly in love with my ex-girlfriend and still am. It's been a year since I've seen or talked to her.. I still think about her everyday. I miss her 24/7. Yes guys love just like girls do...
Yes, guys love just like girls. Just depends what kind of person that guy( or girl) they are. Some guys just want to mess around with lots of people(usually less mature ones), and other guys are more lovey-dovey. I found out that guys think like girls in a lot ways, just sometimes they might not show it.
heck yeah we do
Yes guys do fall in love like girls do but it usually happens when their older and more mature, I haven't noticed this type of love in men under the age of 25 but that does not mean they don't exist.
Just like girls, it really depends on the type of guy. Some fall in love almost immediately, some do not for a while into the relationship.
definitely depends on the guy. some guys, like myself fall in love fast, and stay in love forever. other guys are more calloused hearted than us "soft" guys.
Actually I take a bit of offence but I suppose with some of the dicks out there it is a fair question I'm 19. I found love, although love never found me, I wait for her, even though she never will come. You want to find a guy who will fall in love look for the push over among the guys. Look for the reject who has never wanted to just sleep around. Guys do love you just have to be smart in looking for them...