Do eyes reveal the soul?


I don’t know where I’m going with this but anyways I was seated next to this guy. Now I never knew him but immediately he interested me no lol not in a sexual way but it was something about him I couldn’t place my finger on and anyways I had never had any eye contact with him but he looked over to ask for a pencil and he had the most intense eyes not in a psycho I’m gonna murder you way but they were just powerful. So why? It was scary like looking into the sun. So why what makes someone have powerful eyes? Do eyes really reveal the soul? What makes someone have an intense stare is it the mind? But what kind of mind would have eyes like that tbh I’m kinda jealous I would love to have piercing eyes lol ok i’m done now

asked December 18, 2014

2 Answers

well eyes the eyes real the soul because its of how that person looks at you and of how they are eyes can relate a lot about a person in my opinion. maybe you saw something that he didn't and thats what made it intense because you looked in his eyes and he looked in yours maybe (idk I'm not you lol) and you can't tell if you have an intense stare unless someone else is looking at you because we can't see whats in our eyes only the other person can. maybe you saw more of him in your eyes then just "guy who wanted pencil" i mean i had the same thing happen to me and make you had a good vibe like i did. one i looked in someones eyes like a guy and i didn't feel that and they needed up being a jerk, but i looked in this other guys eyes and it was intense like how your say it and this guy is a nice person. maybe you actually saw him like his true colors, or maybe you just like his eyes i mean it depends on how u felt I'm not you but if your asking "are eye the window to the soul true?" then in my opinion yes because i see more meaning and i see it like when you look into a persons eyes you can tell a lot . some people could disagree with me and just say I'm a crazy fool XD but hey it depends on the feel some people have different reactions
No, they don't.