Disturbing thoughts


For the past few weeks, I’ve been having very disturbing thoughts. And they’re all are violent and scary. I don’t know why but I’m scared I will lose control and do the things I did that I always imagine. Some of the same thoughts I’ve been having :
- cutting my pet sugar glider’s head with a scissor (especially this one)
- slitting my wrist, throat and face
- running over my cat with a car
- being killed

Why am I having these scary thoughts? How can I control these thinkings?

asked December 18, 2013

4 Answers

My first question to you is are you having these thoughts on a regular bases or is this when you are sitting and doing nothing and your mind is wondering? I know for myself when I was younger I had different strange thoughts but I grew out of them.I would suggest finding some help reach out and talk to someone there are clinics you can go to for free. I checked your profile you are a teenager as well so getting help and talking to people at school can be helpful as well.Good luck
You need to go and see your doctor or a therapist. These are very serious thoughts that need to be addressed right away.
Perhaps you have been watching or reading material or something else to put you in this violent mind set? Those things can have a serious affect on our minds. So if you are exposing yourself to those types of things then stop. Look/watch/read positive things. That helps. Also music has a big affect on us too. So be careful there too. I don't know how serious this is or if these are just passing thoughts you would never actually do and this is a case of paranoia. So I really don't know based on the limited amount of info you gave. I think we've all had unwanted thoughts cross our minds before. Also realize that you are NOT your thoughts or emotions. You are the observer of your own thoughts and feelings. You don't have to accept the thoughts jumping into your mind if you don't want to. You can switch it to something else and focusing on loving things. And yeah, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a therapist if you think this is something really serious.
These thoughts may be from something negative that you have been suppressing over the years. Has anything really bad happened to you such as a traumatic experience (any type of serious accident like a head injury), bullying (pushed around/made fun of/ talked down to), or any type of neglect or verbal/physical abuse from someone close to you (like one or both of your parents). Wanting to harm something usually means that you have been harmed. Someone such as a counselor, doctor, or mentor can help you. Are you usually alone or feel lonely a lot the time? That is a huge sign of depression and may need to make an appointment with a therapist to find the root of the problem. I hope that you won't have to be under a medication. Doing things like taking up a hobby, listening to uplifting music, being interested and focusing on how other people are doing and what they're up to instead of just only focusing on yourself, find a job and keep your mind on that, think of other ways that will keep you busy that you will forget about what you were thinking about, sometimes boredom gives us too much time that we create these awful scenarios in our mind to excite us in someway. How about looking for a girlfriend and telling her whatever you think about? That can release much of the stress you may have. I hope that you feel better :)