Did I make the right choice?


So in January, i broke up with a long time boyfriend. But… I did want to break up with him, yet i also didn’t want to.
The reason i wanted to as because of how rude he always treated my friends. Especially since he talked bad of their different sets of religions. He would constantly verbally harass them in a joking manner, yet it sounded very hurtful. I HATED it … i hated the look my friends had in their eyes when he joked with them and talked trash of their religions.
A few days before i broke up with him, he tried to convert me and i didn’t appreciate it, cause my religion makes up who i am. I thought he understood that. so what i did was to protect my friends since i would always talk about him as well. i didnt ant to annoy them anymore. especially with my relationship.
once i broke up with him..it really hurt us both… I cried for hours on end and did nothing but stay in bed and cry some more… i have first hour with him and it just pains me to see him… it really hurt.
so now…i keep trying to convince my self that i like someone else and that i’m completely over him…but i can always still feel this connection with him…and it really pains me. oops…i’m sorry…i just … yea… sorry

Category: Tags: asked March 4, 2014

3 Answers

Yes you did. A person who can't respect other people's religions, including your own, is probably not the right person to be with. A relationship is like a two-way street. You both have to give support to each other and comminicate in order for it to work out. You made the right choice by not being with someone who disrespects your friends and you. Hopefully he will learn from this in time.
What you did was based off what you felt was needed to happen. You made the right choice leaving him because of the way he treated you and he was wrong in that manner because he tried to convert you into believing another religion was more powerful than what yours has turned you into. It's okay to feel that way because you guys were together for a while, that connection will always somehow be there but in time you will get over it and come to realize what kind of person he was and you'll thank yourself for making the right move. Be proud of yourself and be happy because you deserve to be.
Well it's natural to feel torn after a break up. It's not a pleasant experience but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good thing (in the long run). In time, the mixed feelings will pass and you'll feel better because you'll realize you made the right decision. Right now you just need to stop repressing your feelings and grieve the loss of this relationship so you can move on. I would also avoid seeing him through this process if you can.