Dealing with Dysphoria (FTM)?


Hi, I’m a 17 year old pre T FTM transgender, and I’ve been struggling with a lot of body dysphoria, especially with my chest, hair, voice and face. Can anyone give advice on passing pre T, and avoiding looking like a 12 year old boy? I’m almost a legal adult, I would like to be seen as such. This is really taking a toll on my mental health, and it crushes me every time I’m ma’amed.

Category: Tags: asked July 8, 2014

3 Answers

I do not know first hand what you're going through but i have a pretty good idea on the subject, and im here to talk if you want :). First i'd say keep in mind that 1- Many people have been through similar experiences and 2- this is only temporary You will probably get the chance to transition or have what you need sooner than it seems. Secondly, I'd probablt get those feelings out (which you've already started to do by asking for advice) so good for you :) Just relax and understand what you're feeling. Dysphoria Is the need for the state of being comfortable with yourself, to be happy. Which you and I both know will happen :) That's all i got but if you wanna actually talk just message me anytime. good luck!
I can't personally help you but I think the guys over at can. I follow them on tumblr and they are always discussing dysphoria, passing, and many other ftm topics
make sure you have a good chest binder that wont hurt you but binds well. always remind yourself that there are plenty of men with softer features and higher voices. with practice you can use mascara on your existing facial hair and make pretty convincing sideburns, mustaches, beards etc and that can help make you look older and more masculine without testosterone.