Dating tips?


So I recently asked this beautiful girl on a date and I’m extremely nervous. I’ve never been on a date before, let alone kissed a girl (but that’s not important at this moment). I need date tips (what to do, wear, say, kiss her after?, everything else I forgot). I live in the Los Angeles, California area so any great first date places for 18-20 year olds would be greatly appreciated.

Category: Tags: asked September 15, 2014

3 Answers

somewhere comfortable, without implications. embrace the awkward. laugh it off. be who you want to be. this is a chance to prove to yourself that you can be him/her.
A date isn't a Job Interview. You don't need to dress up but don't look like a slob either. Dress casually. Clean shoes, pants and a shirt or jacket. And just act like you're friends. I know the outing being a Date would make it seem so much more important but it's not worth getting worried over. You're just going out with a friend. And first date? Don't try to kiss her. That's rushing and will possibly scare her off. Unless she actually wants it. But regardless just don't try. Unless she tells you she expressly tells you she's open to being sexual, then assume she just wants to make a friend and no more right now.
Make her feel safe and relaxed.