Cripplingly frightened of public speaking, how to get through it?


I’m doing a bachelors degree in graphic design. Tomorrow I have to present my 12 week project in front of 5 lecturers and a client, while also being filmed.

I feel physically sick and want to cry just thinking about it, I’ve done other presentations in the past but this is a big one.

Are their any techniques you know to calm down? I’m scared i’ll have a panic attack.

Category: Tags: asked October 7, 2014

3 Answers

In addition to what John Wesley Harding said, you can try calming down by taking deep breaths. Breathe in for 5 seconds, wait a second, and then breathe out for 5 seconds. Also, while you're on stage, you can use strategic pauses to collect yourself between points, if you're feeling overwhelmed.

That being said, usually your ideas matter more than the delivery anyway. If you're confident about what you're saying, everything will probably go smoothly. You can do this!
I too have this problem but I think I can work things out. Even this year I performed a drama (written by me aww isn't that cool?) in front a huge number of audiences. There was a lengthy dialogue for me and at the middle of it I could realize I was getting nervous. But all I did was I forgot about the audience and took it as a real life scenario. So I did it successfully. So I would advise you concentrate on your topic and your fear is speaking in public. So forget that there is people in front of you. Just imagine you are talking to yourself when you give your speech. Good luck.
You are fearing failure, try to practice to reassure yourself, as to not have a panic attack.