Constantly Worried About My Future?


I’m starting college this year.

1. I’m worried I might not get into a good art school.

2. I’m worried my parents will be disappointed if I don’t get accepted into any good college.

3. Even if I’m accepted, I’m scared I’ll be lonely and depressed if I’m too busy and away from my family.

Any advice?

Category: asked January 4, 2014

5 Answers

i'm worried about my futur too. but don't worry, it's normal to feel that way. if you believe that you can do it, than you will. be confident. and if you dont get into any colleges, you'll try again later. focus on what you want and get it
I am the exact same way, I know exactly how you feel! People like us do not know what the future holds for us. We just want to get out there and kill it. But, the thing is actually getting out there and trying to accomplish it. It's really a scary, stressful time. Talking it out with friends who feel the same way always helps. It just shows you that people know what you are going through right now. And the constant questions and scrutiny about your future and your plans are just too much to handle sometimes! I can already tell that this year is going to go by fast and before we know it, we will be college kids. For me, it's scary and weird to think about. Where did the time go?! Right now, even though we have to plan for our futures, we should enjoy the present.
Thank you guys for letting me know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Have a nice day and hope everything turns out well for you guys :D
Regarding your fears of being lonely and depressed: I'm an RA at the college I attend, and the best advice I can give you is to just be open! Leave your door open the very first day because it's going to encourage your floormates to introduce themselves and form connections! And don't be afraid to talk to your RA. We're great resources -- we can recommend things to get involved with, give advice on how to not feel overly stressed, and can help you get through the overwhelming transitional period.

College is very fun, and it teaches you a lot about yourself as an individual. Just be open, and you will be okay! If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to message me. I'm here. :)
There are always going to be those doubts in the back of your head. There are always going to be regrets. Just do what you love with a fierce passion and don't look back.