Confused with my age?


I moved with my Dad about a year ago because things between my Mom and I didn’t work. Now Im a junior in HS about to be a Senior but I still feel like a little kid. I have really bad social skill which I think is because I wasn’t allowed out to be with friends or anyone other then my family when I lived with my Mom. I’m applying to jobs but I feel as if I missed something. I feel like I am skipping a step. Is it just me? My Dad said I have no common sense, I know I have no self confidence, I think Im the most weirdest ugliest person there is I know its not true but thats how I feel. What can I do to feel my age? Im not into drinking or drugs. Ever since I moved I have lost alot of interest in things that I use to love to do.

Category: Tags: asked June 3, 2013

1 Answer

In my opinion, I think you feel that you are skipping a step because you went from being kind of sheltered by your mother, to doing more mature things such as getting a job while living with your father. It's a jump from being a child to gaining responsibility, without being given the chance to grow into an adult. I'm not entirely sure how you can "feel your age", but maybe you can try being around people your own age. Good luck c: