confused relationship


so, i’ve been dating this guy for about 2 and a half years now- were engaged as well, have been for the last year and half.
i’ve all of a sudden developed this heavy doubt about whether or not he’s the “one” for me. Our wedding was supposed to be in march next year, and i’ve postponed it because i’m not ready to be married and i just don’t feel it’s right? i’m all over the place, but the doubt has just grown and grown, and iv’e talked it over with my sisters, and they think i should go on break or end it, but its ridiculously difficult because i don’t want to regret it as he’s literally the best boyfriend- theres nothing he wouldn’t do, but i just find certain things annoying or i wish he’d change and i think that its wrong to want to change your future husband. He’s a really sensitive guy, he’s sweet and caring and i know even if i do a break, he’ll be devastated- and the thought of that makes me want to cry, because i honestly don’t want to break his heart or hurt him.
He’s my first serious relationship and he’s given me so much confidence in myself that i just feel rotten for even doubting someone so good to me.
I’ve tried talking to him about things that annoy me, or things he does that make me angry, but he doesn’t change anything- and he’l never argue back with me, he’l just sit there and not say anything and have this sad face. (he doesn’t ever fight with me- i don’t think we’ve even had a fight) he’s like my best friend rather than my lover- and i’m under the impression your future someone should feel like both.
I feel like neither of us meshes with each others families either, which for is important as i’m pretty close with mine.
Has anyone had similar situation?

Category: asked March 5, 2014

3 Answers

No, but my older sister was in a similar situation where she was engaged to a guy forever and actually felt off about it from the start but didn't break it off for years due to people pleasing tendencies etc. It was also her first serious relationship. She was young. It went on for way too long. You should never stay with a guy just because you're afraid of hurting him. It's going to hurt worse the longer you draw this out. You can't hide something like that forever. He will be fine. The whole families meshing well together though is unrealistic. You're not marrying each others' families. You're just marrying each other. If you start bringing family into your relationship, it can and will be easily undermined. All that being said, in relationships you pretty much have to be selfish (initially) because you invest so much into them. You want to make sure you're compatible before you commit. Anyways, that's my two cents.
I'm not disagreeing that he's the best boyfriend (for you). But maybe that's all he's ever going to be. The best boyfriend.On the flip side. Everyone has second thoughts about this kind of commitment. It's normal. You have to either come to terms with it in the way that it's just the fear of the unknown and move past it OR you realize you have made a mistake and this isn't what you really want. Please don't base any decision solely of off the fact that you have fights or don't have fights. I don't fight with Joe (a male friend who I am close to) but it would never work as a relationship and definitely not marriage.There is also the possibility that you are just not ready to get married right now. And no one is going to make you suddenly be ready for marriage. It's a huge step and commitment.It is possible that he is the one for you, you just aren't ready to move past a dating relationship. Never stay with someone because you are afraid to hurt their feelings. Eventually you will have to leave and it will hurt them more to know you stayed because you didn't want to hurt them.Bottom line. No amount of time is going to make you be ready for marriage. (Take my fiancé and I for example. We've been together for a year and we're both ready to take the next step and get married. But my best friend and her boyfriend have been together for three years and they are still not ready for marriage.) When you're ready you will know. Suddenly you will just know that this person is the "one" for you, you will have the normal "Is this the right thing? Is this what I really want?" type of second guessing but as soon as you think it you automatically know that yes, this is what I want.If you are finding yourself wanting to change everything about him, then I would suggest taking a second to really think everything over. You're sisters might be right.I feel like I'm just rambling on and on. If this doesn't make sense and you think it could help (but need clarification) don't hesitate to message me. Best of luck!
Always go with your gut instinct, my first love was so kind and caring he too had some annoying habits. I agree you can't expect people to change, and I began to feel more like a friend than a girlfriend to him. I broke up , it was hard as it has taken me a while to stop loving him. My current partner has so many bad habits, but then I love him so much that I have learnt to live with it. he sounds like a lovely guy, it may break his heart but in the end he will respect your honesty. Perhaps go for a meal or something you both love doing together to discuss where you both see your future. If it is meant to be it will work. X