Complicated relationship ?


I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years now. Our relationship has been odd since we got together. Before I dated her, I had dated her best friend for about 2 months. Her best friend broke up with me, and then started to cause problems in my current relationship. My ex & I tried to be friends multiple times, but it failed because she was such an asshole. Recently she apologized for everything, and we have been texting each other a few times a week, but nothing more than friendly conversation. I’ve been doing this without my girlfriend knowing, because if she knew she would be very angry with me.

Our relationship confuses me, and sometimes I feel like I should leave. My girlfriend gets mad if I were makeup to school, if I want to hang out with friends, if my friends want to hang out with me, if I wear low-cut shirts, and if I text other people while I’m texting her. She is mean to me a lot, and then flips it on me to make it sound like I’m being the asshole. I’ve lost a lot of friends because I wouldn’t hang out with them. I only refused to chill with them because I didn’t want to start a fight with my girlfriend. So many of my friend’s have said she’s controlling, but I always try to explain what she tells me. She says that she’s insecure and she doesn’t want to lose me, and that’s why she acts the way she does. I don’t know if I believe her anymore though. Here lately I have been doubting our relationship. I guess it’s because I’ve grown tired of the constant arguments, but I don’t know. I love her, I would do anything to make her happy, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings; however trying to talk about the problem isn’t an option, because like myself she is depressed and suicidal, so she takes everything I say wrong, like I’m calling her a piece of shit when I’m not. I just have no idea what to do. I’m sorry this is jumbled. If anyone can make sense of this, please help. Thank you.

Category: asked November 26, 2013

2 Answers

This girl may be insecure, but it seems to me like she's using this as an excuse to control you- and that's not acceptable for a healthy relationship. You both have your own lives and it sounds like she's beginning to take yours over! You should definitely have a good long talk in which you get to tell her how YOU feel. Make sure she hears you out for once. If she continues to take advantage of you like this and make you feel bad by being so controlling, I don't think continuing this relationship would be the best idea. Hopefully she's mature enough to make the changes she needs to to keep you in her life, but if not, it's not your fault. You deserve to be happy, and you are the only one whose happiness you are responsible for :) Hope it all works out, xoxo <3
I can completely relate to your problem minus the suicide issue. My ex was a lot like your ex. I couldnt remain friends with any of my ex girl friends or even anyone that I had just kissed. I had to lose all of my guy friends, which made no sense because I am obviously not into men so there was no evident threat there. And like your currrnet gf she would take everything I said and turn it into an argument and it would always be my fault. I honestly believe she did this just to empower herself and keep a hold over me. Trust me when I say this that you need to move on. I know you might be scared of her hurting herself, but if she is going to hurt herself then she just will. It wont be bc you did or did not break up with her. I also have a lot of personal experience with suicide and suicide attempts within my family. You will be amazed how much more less stressful your life will be without all the drama. And if you are suicidal then I would suggest that you yourself go talk to someone that is licensed and can help you. I will always be here if you need someone to talk with :)