Clubbing in relationships


I am a 20yr old male and I’m just wondering if it’s wrong that I don’t feel comfortable with my girlfriend going out to a club w/o me and just a bunch of her friends? Like I don’t care if she goes out to a bar or party or other social functions I just don’t like her going clubbing because of how physical/intimate people get while dancing.

Category: Tags: asked October 4, 2013

1 Answer

I personally feel that a little discomfort is natural, but you need to realize that your girlfriend also has a life of her own and you need to give her some space. To an extent you might be correct about the physical and intimate aspect during dancing, but you need to have trust in your partner. Any relationship is based on trust. Talk to your girlfriend about the issues that run in your mind. At the end of the day you should know that every person also has a social life. You cannot curb that. A little bit of freedom works wonders obviously when both the people are loyal to one another. Good luck. :)