Christians: How do we approach homosexuality w/o judging (cuz that’s not cool)?


So I’ve been a Christian for some time and have grown up in a Christian home and school. And all this stuff from people who are gay about how Christians have been judging them has made me really angry at the Christians judging them. I mean, seriously? Showing the love of God? Maybe that would be a better place to start? But we can’t just lie and say God is cool with everything; how do we stick to our beliefs and show the love?

Category: Tags: asked October 21, 2013

9 Answers

You have an amazing attitude towards this and you should give yourself a pat on the back. I believe religion is personal and it's up for interpretation. People may argue that and sure there are really common beliefs taken from the Bible but there are things in the the bible that are impossible, there are also rules that we no longer up-hold (such as mixing fabrics and owning women). It differs from Christian to Christian. Some are very strict about premarital sex, others no longer up-hold that belief. There's no right or wrong way to be a Christian (except you know, disrespecting God and thing like that). The bottom line though is that God is a loving being who created a beautiful world for us to live in. If he didn't want something to exist, I don't think it would. Sure, there are a lot of bad things in the world also, but we grow and we learn. I personally don't think God hates anyone, no matter who they are or what they've done. I've gone really far off the track haha, but you hopefully you understand what I'm saying. :)
The truth is, God is cool with everything, otherwise he would not have made them that way. You've got the right attitude about it, be accepting and loving, no wrong is being done.
It's awesome that you don't judge others, especially for their sexuality. If other people want too, then let them get on with it. You believe in what you want to believe in, because nobody should be judges for anything, let alone their sexuality. But you are right, love of God should encompass everyone and it amazing that you show it :)Lots of love xx
Thanks everyone :) I agree that there's not right or wrong way to be a Christian, however the commandments God has given us are there because He loves us, like a parent. The rules about sex before marriage and homosexuality are there because God knows what's best for us. He's not cool with everything, but He loves us as we are, and that's very difficult to get across to people (hence my question :) ).
It was issues like these that led me to quit going to church. I am still very Christian and have a relationship with God but I found that people in the Church were obsessed with hating gays and I felt the bible told me otherwise. Something to consider too is that the Bible is a book that is very very old and has been translated from many different languages BEFORE English and sometimes things get mistranslated so we can't even be sure that the verses that people use to justify their hate in Leviticus even mean what we read them as now. Just food for thought :)
I'm a Christian; I've been religious for my entire life. And I love God, and I love another man. I don't want to imagine that God would hate me for being gay, and while that may be the typical view on Christianity, then maybe forgiveness is the issue. I suppose that you can see homosexuality as a sin, but I hope God has forgiven me for loving another man. And you could just try being "accepting" of these people. You can still think it's weird if you want, but that doesn't mean their love is any different from anyone else's. Just remember that a gay couple loves each other just as much as a straight couple.
I'm not saying that I hate gays. I think that Christians who say they hate gays need to look at themselves. "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8 I don't think it's weird and I don't judge people. Loving someone is being patient and kind and accepting of them as a person, and I want to love people because God loves everyone and as a child of God I want to follow what He says. But the Bible also says, "Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 97:10 It doesn't say, "Let those who love the Lord hate gays," but I'm not going to lie to you. I don't really like homosexuality or agree with it AS A LIFESTYLE CHOICE. People seem to get confused. It's not that I don't like you, I just don't like what you're doing, exactly the same as if someone was lying or stealing or doing drugs. They're not God-honouring things. God put those rules in place because He loves us and has the best plan in mind for us. But we can't just twist the Bible and say that, "That's probably not what it means." You can either accept that the Bible is God-breathed and the word of God or you can reject it.
I once had a best friend of 20 years. I knew him since I was in my early teens. He was one of the first people I came out to. He thought he was a good Christian for leaving it up to God to judge me. For two decades I listened to him be snide by telling him God will send me to hell. "You're going to hell." Anytime we talked about it.

A couple of years ago, he lost his faith. I was so proud! It was around the time of the big talk about legalizing gay marriage. I thought that moment would be a good time to talk to him. That he might have become more open to homosexuality, equality, and freedom this country has supposedly promised (laughing my ass off right now). He told me he thought we didn't deserve the same rights he has had since he was born straight, even if allowing others the same freedoms wouldn't impact him negatively. I had just ended a 7 year relationship shortly before and had gone through a really hard time. I lost my cool and went off on him. I couldn't believe that after he admitted he didn't even believe in god anymore that he could still be so bigoted. It's strange I thought it was just his preconditioned 'god hates fags' mentality. Turns out it was him all along. I haven't talked to him ever since.

I think that's how most Christians who hold bigoted views are. Has nothing to do with God. I don't believe it ever has. The rare mention of it and arguable translation issues in the Bible are opinions of current society at the time the authors wrote it. I personally believe it's a book of re-written history at about the time there was a transition from polytheism to monotheism serving the times most bloody god of war and Christians have been doing it ever since. No wonder the right are the most religious extremists. If you do some research it's suggested this god of war is Yahweh. Look up the Enuma Elish and how it ties into the stories of the Bible, and see if you can connect the transition. Yahweh is short for Yahweh Sabaoth. It means, "He who musters armies."

"The Lord is a man of war; Yahweh is his name." – Exodus 15.3.
Coming from a lesbian this has been hard for me to be a lesbian in a state of mostly christians. It even pushed me away from the religion and I formed to love buddhism. But you're right, your god doesn't like gay people, well I shouldn't say that, he doesn't like them acting on it. That's right people, he accepts the fact you were born that way but he wants you to just not act upon desire. Instead just be a nun or something. But many people are too tempted by desire. Sooo yeah. I honestly think you're taking this a pretty good way, be loving and not judgemental towards us. Trust me, we know we're going to "hell" for some of uswho actually believe in that religion. I however am buddhist and lesbian. Proud(: