Cheating bf..?


hi there..
i feel sort of silly asking this question, but guys please help! how do i know if a guy is cheating? what are signs or things i should be looking out for? I have a feeling something isn’t right, but I’m not sure what.

Category: asked October 15, 2014

6 Answers

If you start to make a guy feel guilty, for instance, saying you trust him while he knows he is cheating, he will tell you the truth because he feels bad about it. This does not always work but you could try. What is he doing differently than before?
Usually a gut feeling is because something has changed. If he stops looking at your eyes while speaking, if he changes his habits (clothes, attitude, hobbies) might be a sign. But you should be more specific about your worries. What makes you think he's cheating?
You can't tell if someone is cheating that easily not unless you find hard proof that he really is (i.e. exchange of messages, photos etc). A hunch is a hunch but whatever that be dont jump straight right in to assumptions.
You may need to confront him that you're feeling insecure about things before you work yourself up into a paranoid fit. It's best for your mental health to have open and honest communication about things.
Something has obviously caused you to think he's cheating. Now that may be something silly that has no meaning behind it or it may be that there is something else you've picked up on and its not cheating. The only way to sort this out is to speak to him. There has to be some level of trust there so you've got to speak to him honestly about how you are feeling. If he's a good guy he'll talk with you about what's bothering you and he won't fly off the handle. Yes he could completely lie to you and you find out later etc but you cant go through life thinking about "what ifs". Talk to each other about your feelings. You will feel better for it and your relationship will be better for it.
so lately we've been arguing more, and I just feel us pulling away, and creating distance in the relationship. I told him how I felt and he just said I was crazy and just over thinking things, which was not reassuring at all. And this one time he took my phone and was going through it so I took his and when I went on it I noticed he was talking to other girls. He threw himself on top of me to take back his phone and deleted the conversations before showing me the phone again. We got into a huge argument that night, but we're still together. I honestly don't know why I didn't just end it then.. am I overreacting?