Can’t tell if still depressed or just burned out


Its becoming really hard for me to take a genuine interest or put effort into anything lately. At least not without copious amounts of caffeine to get my brain wired.

I’m literally just waking up and going to work/school/both and then coming home to either sleep or do jack shit online. I can barely focus on schoolwork or even recreational studying for my career(which is the only thing I really have going for myself)

On top of that I’m becoming more and more unnecessarily paranoid about everyone not liking me as much as they seem to at my job, and as pathetic as it is they’re the closest things I have to friends at the moment. I’m aware that my thinking is probably irrational but at the same time I can’t shake that nervous feeling.

A lot of the time this shit doesn’t bug me because I just work or sleep till I’m not even thinking about it but then I have moments like this where I’m just questioning every little thing and going nuts.

What the fuck do I do?

Tags: asked November 11, 2014

2 Answers

I get this all the time. Suddenly life turns to shit for absolutely no reason. What really helps is finding an inspiration or something to get excited about. Watch a good movie. Comedy really helps forget about it. Talking to people is no good. When i get like that, I get irritated when people talk to me because I feel like they're getting way too far into my space and faking a positive attitude. Mom used to tell me I'm lazy when I was just depressed. Just entertain yourself, and maybe skip out on some work take a day off. Trust me when I say nothing feels better than having a day off when it's actually a school day. It just feels special lol.
Find something new to throw yourself into. For me, that's drawing. I draw whenever i'm burnt out and having it as part of my daily routine helps motivate me somewhat to do other things. Another thing you could do is think about all the positive results of doing things you don't feel like doing but you need to do--including the psychological benefits, concrete benefits, social benefits, and so on. And there's nothing wrong with taking a day off, either. Sleep. Eat good food. Be well.