Can listeners step up their game please?


i feel like its a bit awkward for the venter to have to ask “how are you?” to the listener first. Am I wrong for getting annoyed when I say hello back and then the listener doesnt ask me how I’m doing?

asked October 11, 2013

9 Answers

I think you should realize that Listeners are regular people, old, young, experienced, and not. Some find it awkward and nerve racking to be a Listener for the first time.

They're not professionals which is stated time and time again, so they're not obligated to perform any certain way but to lend an ear the best way they know how.

I understand that as a Venter a warm greeting is probably expected, but again, they're not therapists, they don't have to greet you any which way if they themselves are just as nervous as you and don't know what to expect.

So yea, asking them to "step up their game" is a bit presumptuous. This is not a "game", it's a free volunteer service from normal people. That being said, not all listeners are the same, so to say "Can listeners step up their game" just because they don't ask "how are you" is a bit rude by disregarding the many others that do.. Also, I mean that's pretty much a stupid question considering they're there to vent, so obviously the Venter is not doing well.
well, i did the listener role for a little bit, and what I always ask is "what's on your mind?".as fark said, these people are not professionals, but everyday joes who are kind enough to lend a friendly ear, so please cut them a little slack, ok?
Different listeners have different styles, as do venters. I've done both, and in both cases I was asked if I was okay first; but so long as the listener (for example) responds asking how the venter is, does it really matter what order the "how are you"s came in??
Pay for the top shelf stuff.
You just have to remember that they're not professionals and that anyone could be on there, even people who are not serious about listening. I've met a few who have been on their as prank Venters and Listeners. Just move onto the next Listener.
Listen up, Linny. These people are taking time out of their day to do their very best to help you with your problems. They could easily spend time doing something for themselves but instead out of the goodness of their heart they are willingly offering up their services when they know it could take hours of conversation to help you. If you want professional services, pay for a counselor. These people who come here to listen do so because they are trying to do a good thing and save you the expense, as well as help you to get better. They are not slack just because they aren't the first one to ask how you are. They are already doing quite enough for you. Just by BEING THERE they have done 10 times more than is expected of them. If you can't cut them some slack and stop expecting them to be there for your every beck and call, you don't deserve to have a listener. I say this out of anger because I myself come here as a listener. I have on many occasions spend hours talking to people about a wide variety of issues and I have done my best to help them, usually at my own expense. And now I see someone who is so disgustingly ungrateful for the work that others like me do, that they are complaining that they have to ask their listener how they are before the question is asked of them. That's disgraceful, Linny. They have no obligation to ask the question first and just because they don't doesn't mean they've dropped the ball. Try being a little more grateful for the things they do, or don't even bother connecting at all.
If you'd like a listener to know how you're doing, you could just come right out and tell them how you're feeling, at the moment.
You don't have to wait for them to ask.

I mean that's what listeners are there for, after all. To listen.
yes Linny you are wrong
Asking how are you isnt 'top shelf'. I guess youre one of those listeners who does the same thing