Can I use sling carrier for newborn baby?


My sister has gifted me a newborn carrier for my newborn baby but is safe to use it newborn baby.

Category: Tags: asked October 24, 2014

3 Answers

My wife has something similar to the hugabub. There are different ways to support different ages of children. I would still at least wait until the kid can hold their head up on their own but that's just my opinion.Heh. When the kid gets older though, they learn "hey if I fight this then i don't have to be in it." good luck with that phase.
I read a story on CNN about a woman who took her newborn out in a was weeks old and she suffocated..I'd be careful. I don't think the woman was paying either babies airway was closed off because she couldn't support her neck, or air was trapped in the sling and she couldn't get enough oxygen. I'd concur with Dire. Better wait until baby has more neck least 2 months..
Guys.. Am I the only one here who thinks maybe this person is fishing for views for his page?