Can I ever be happy?


I’m a born male. That doesn’t change the fact that I want to be a girl though… I don’t want to go through the surgery though because I’m in high school and I don’t want to deal with the ridicule. I know it doesn’t matter what others think as long as I’m happy but I wouldn’t be happy surrounded by judgmental, sexist, ignorant, insecure assholes. That wouldn’t change after highschool either though, so I can’t see myself ever undergoing the sex change operation. The shitty thing is that I’m not happy as a male either. Seeing girls laugh and flip their hair and everything makes me hurt deep down because I’ll never be that way… It also doesn’t help that I’m into girls, so I’d be a lesbian to boot. I don’t want social ridicule but I also don’t want to live life as a male. I guess you could say I’m in a shitty, shitty pickle…

Category: asked December 7, 2014

1 Answer

You will be that way. This is a new generation of people in support of the LBGT community. The older generation and some of this one do not understand but because this kind of thing is becoming more seen throughout the media it is helping LBGT's everywhere. You will always be faced with ridicule no matter who you are, what you do, or how you act. That is just how people are to each other. It is wrong and someone should teach these kids better but sadly that is not happening. I think with more of the support that is going around there are more people who understand what you are going through. You could always try moving after high school to somewhere with people who are less likely to say hurtful things but no matter where you go there will always be someone around to push you down because they do not like themselves. You have to stay strong and do what you feel is right in order to be the person you want to be. Do not sacrifice who you are because people are assholes.