Breaking up advice???


I’ve been with a guy for about three years and don’t get me wrong I love him, but I know the relationship isn’t going anywhere because I know he isn’t good for me and my parents hate him, plus he just gets high and drunk all the time. He’s at a college 2 hours away from mine and he’s come to visit a few times but all those times we really just had sex and then he left. While being here at school I met the nicest guy who’s a real gentlemen who doesn’t care about sex at all and doesn’t smoke or drink which is very rare at this school and he has already asked me to be his girlfriend. He’s really sweet and I really like him and I know I can take him home to my parents. I don’t want to open another chapter with ending another one but I just don’t know how to end it without hurting him or me but I don’t want to keep this good guy waiting. Someone please help!!!!!!!

asked March 10, 2015

1 Answer

don't do things in a rush! you should just think about this really well. don't break up with the other guy just for this new one, do it because you really do want to break up. if you do break up, remember that at first its gonna hurt and you're gonna miss him, but that doesn't make him any more good for you than he was before, and trust me, you will get over it. you should just break it off with the other guy, say that you love him but that things just aren't working out.. but then don't go rushing to the other guy, just take sometime to get over the other one, and then give him a chance. (i say this because its really hard to be in a relationship when you still love someone else.) good luck!