i really like this guy and he lives less then an hour away , he has his own car, and a job. hes really cute! there was this thing on facebook where i had to put ppl in order on the cat box and he ended up being my hubby. so we have this joke and we are calling each other cute and sweet and hubby and wifey. i dont know if he knows i like him and i kind of want it to stay that way until i know how he feels.. but he wont say how he feels.. one day he asked me how i feel about him and i told him that he was cute and funny and really sweet and everything else but i never said i liked him cause im scared what if he doesnt like me… and i asked him how he felt about me and he saw it but he never answered. im just so confused whether i should wait to see how he feels or i should tell him how i feel …. cause i dont want to ruin my chances with him. hes the one guy i like that isnt a total asshole.

Category: Tags: asked December 17, 2013

1 Answer

You should tell him you like him first, the most likely reason why he didn't respond when you asked him how he feels is because he wanted you to say you liked him first, but since you just said he's a little cute and sweet he just thought you were being friendly and it wasn't a straight forward answer on if you liked him or not so he got confused and didn't want to, as you're scared of doing, ruin his chances. Besides it's not like he's going to hate you for liking him, its flattering.