Birthday ex-bff test sux ?


Well Today is my birthday
so well Many of my friends msgd or called me at night

but my ex- bff msgd me in the mrning around the same time I msgd her for her bday (even less than a month ago ) and I jst wrote Thank you and then she asked me if I had prepared for the TEST! I said nope wat about you she says duh do you think so then she says I gtg your bday sux no offence I said I don’t care wt she thinks it doesn’t matter to me bye Then she says I meant due to the test but you have to be bitchy about everything screw you bye ! Then I say no one tells anyone their bday sux whatever the reason ! I ain’t bein bitchy ! Leave it just BYE And well I have a test now and she just cancelled all my happiness I was so happy but know I feel so sad I have to study for my test and all U can think is of this stupid convo even if we are ex bffs she always seems to effect me a lot sad Help? Asked this on the listener venter it helped but I would like a public opinion!

Category: Tags: asked September 5, 2013

4 Answers

You may be thinking about this too hard. She's saying that because of the test, your birthday must be a little less cheerful, so to speak. No one wants to have a test on their birthday, but it is what it is. You could've told her that it was alright with you that you had a test on your birthday, and you were going to do a lot of fun things! But then again, you are ex-bffs, so why don't you remove her off of your contacts list? She did say "screw you", and if you're always so emotionally affected by her, then why do you keep speaking to her? Just something to think about. You could have also explained to her that you were offended by what she said, and maybe you guys can work it all out. Or not. Happy birthday (it probably was yesterday, wasn't it..)! :D -Amanda
No problem! :D Keep your head up and stay happy. -Amanda
sounds like your blowing it way out of perportion....she made a comment in jest....she did not say that you instead of getting all butt hurt you could have replied something to the effect of .." not for me im on fire today ! & good luck testwise ! ttfn " At least she remembered your BD...and here is something for you to remember, its your BD but to everyone else in the world its just another sucky day.
Hehe Thanks Amanda ..... I mean yeah anyone would be hurt about it but she apologized later stating that she is sorry but doesn't know how it was her fault so I said I might have misinterpreted ! well yeah she messes up with my mind always and can't delete her number .... I remember it toooooo well (SADLY ) PS- she remembered it because all my other friends were bouncing and stating that how my bday was on the test day and if she did remember my bday well in 5 months you don't forget someone's bday simple as that ! I asked question coz you see bday comes once in a year ! -_-