Bipolar and infidelity


I wondered if anyone else had experienced infidelity with their bipolar or with their partner with bipolar? I just would like some ‘reasoning’ behind it, which is a long shot. More, what they were thinking when doing it?

Thanks in advance

Category: Tags: asked December 16, 2013

3 Answers

I have not experienced this personally, but I do know that it is not uncommon for individuals with bipolar disease to become promiscuous during a manic episode. Manic episodes can bring on any number of risk taking behaviours. The person feels bullet proof at this time and depending on their particular 'bent' may believe that they can get away with whatever they want.
I can't tell you what your partner was thinking, of course - but when I get involved outside my relationship, it is because I'm looking for something that is lacking in my primary relationship. So what am I thinking? This feels good right now and I need to feel good right now. I have impulse control issues like many people with bipolar.
So why not seek some way to address and resolve the 'thing' that Is lacking in your relationship?