Beauty, What is it to you?


Guy’s look at girls and say “dammmn, she is sexy as f**k!” And gentleman say “she is just so beautiful” My dream is for a guy, a total stranger to say, “Miss, I just wanted to tell you that you are just so beautiful and stunning” I want to feel beautiful. So in your own words, what do you think makes a person Beautiful?

Category: Tags: asked January 2, 2014

7 Answers

The way they hold themselves. the confidence you can see, or the unsureness that you see. the beauty that comes from the look in their eyes, the ones that look at you and can see straight through to your soul. Beauty is in everything. Beauty is in "imperfections," in "perfections." Beauty is in every big nose, every crooked toe, every curve, and every skin tone. Beauty is in everything, people just need to begin to see that..
A persons personality is the most beautiful attractive thing to me. It doesn't matter how pretty a girl is if she is a jerk and has a terrible personality.
As I said in your other questions, I don't like words like hot and sexy. I don't feel like those are words you should use to describe a woman. Still, even if I saw someone I thought was beautiful, I doubt I would come up to her and say so. I rarely think any girl as physically good looking enough to be called beautiful without knowing her, so if she was, I think I would be rather quite nervous to try and talk to her, not to mention she would probably get complimented all the time anyways.
But I apologize for being off-topic. What makes a person beautiful? A combination of who you are on the inside and outside. The combination of everything about you that makes you unique. Their little quirks. Their scars, both physically and mentally. Their personality, and how it reflects in the way they act, their voice, their facial expressions, their eyes. How you can't see how truly beautiful someone is, until you know them well.
It really doesn't matter what I think is beautiful, because you said it yourself "I want to feel beautiful." Everyone has their own definition of beauty, but the only one that applies to you wanting to feel beautiful is your own.There are men who like every kind of body type. The question really is, who do you want to be? Which version of yourself are you capable of loving? Ideally, the answer would be "all of them," but we don't live in a perfect world, and the pressures of society convince us only certain versions are acceptable. There are ways to change your mind about that, to fight against social influence, but in the end only one thing matters. You have to be the woman you find beautiful. So my question to you is, what do you find beautiful?
What makes a person beautiful, is the way there smile can light up a room. Or the way a person eyes light up when you compliment them. How kind a person is even to a stranger, that to me is what makes a person beautiful.
Personality and Attractiveness. Let's face it, guys first get the physical attraction, then they get the attraction from the personalities. Otherwise, how would we approach women?
What you feel when you are called beautiful. If you feel loved when being called beautiful, you are most beautiful when loved. If you feel confident when being called beautiful, you are most beautiful when you wear that confidence. And if you feel ugly when called beautiful, then you are the most beautiful when you think you are not beautiful.