are we spending too much time apart?


Me and my partner got back together after splitting for over 3 mmonths, one thing we didn’t do previously was see our friends very often ( although reasons for separating were not so straight forward, but no cheating involved) we both said that this something we should be doing because we both love our friends, however it seems that we barely see each other now and do/make plans with our friends more than we do each other, I know I miss time with my partner but I don’t feel like this is reciprocated, do you think maybe she isn’t as into the relationship as she was before?

asked July 1, 2014

1 Answer

I think if you're asking the question, you already know the answer. There's nothing wrong with loving to hang out with your friends, but your relationship should be your first priority. If you miss your partner, then sit down and talk to her about it! Get all your cards out on the table and proceed from there. Good luck!