Are we dating?


I am a senior in high school and I have had a crush on this girl since August and I have been flirting with her since October. In the fall we went to a few of my school’s soccer games and then didn’t really flirt much until December. During christmas break I went to the movies with her and we both seemed to have fun. A few weeks ago we went ice skating together and held hands. I text her everyday and we often use emoticons in our texts. I know she likes me and I like her, I just haven’t officially asked her out yet.

Are we dating even though I haven’t asked her to be my girlfriend yet? should I ask her to be my girlfriend or should I just go along and assume she is?

Category: Tags: asked February 9, 2014

6 Answers

Ask her to be your girlfriend!! From the sounds of it, she'll most likely say yes, but it's best to make sure you're both on the same page, instead of assuming. :)
Ask her out. It sounds like you both enjoy each others company
This is so adorable! Ask her out, it sounds as if she likes you but as the others have said, it's better to know if you're on the same page. :)
Love this! Ask her out so that will make it official.. She's probably curious too so do it.
I think that she wants you to ask her out! u guys been knowing each other for a long period of time,and u guys been having fun and enjoying life so why not?:) You gotta make a move and ask her if she likes you and if she says yes than ask her out! GOOD LUCK!:)
Ask her out! ;) Technically, sometimes it's not considered "dating" (like being "official") unless someone has asked someone out. lol! Good luck!