Appropriate venting?


When is it venting and not just talking? I have a lot of stuff on my mind that I want to talk about, and maybe receive feedback on, but I don’t feel it’s necessarily venting. I assume vent/listen is for more “heat of the moment” type stuff, but I’d like somebody to talk to. I’m also a bit afraid that some of the things I need to get off my chest might be incriminating, and possibly make someone feel quite uncomfortable, so the anonymous aspect of vent/listen is kinda appealing. At the same time though, I don’t want to take listener time away from a venter that actually needs to vent when all I need is to talk. I really wish I could speak to a therapist, but I can’t afford to do so, and again, I’m afraid some of the things I’d say might cause legal issues. So yeah, when is it appropriate to “vent”?

asked December 4, 2014

2 Answers

If you need to talk, do so. It's not like you have "less of a right" to do so just because some others are venting and you "just" need to talk. If there's something that's pressuring your chest, just go on and try to find a way to lighten this weight.Rising Above gave you very good advice. There will be listener who won't have a problem listening to whatever you need to say, regardless of what it is. Others won't. So warning is a good method.If you feel like you could use some help, don't feel guilty for seeking for it!
I don't exactly think it's bad only wanting to talk. There's usually at least 3 listeners waiting so I think anyone who wants to "really vent" will be left waiting for too long.