Anyone out here suffering from Bipolar disorder?


I just got my diagnosis yesterday, and I guess I always knew I had it but I was in denial about it so I avoided the subject. Anyways, the state I live in made huge budget cuts on mental health making it pretty much impossible to get help for these types of things so on top of being bipolar I’m suffering with PTSD, severe panic disorder, and autism just to name a few. And I’m wondering how some of you cope on a day to day basis maybe it’ll give me some ideas on how to deal with it.

Category: Tags: asked July 2, 2014

3 Answers

My mother has bipolarity and I know she takes some pills to make the feelings less intense, so she is more calm and happy. You can always talk to your doctor about it. The days she can't handle her feelings, she will mostly just relax and take naps, but what I would recommend is going outside for a run or something, alone with some music, it helps a lot, just thinking about somethig else and letting your energy out. Do exercises, have goals, and don't let it control you. I hope it will help you at least a little, good luck !
I do.Is your diagnosis Bipolar I or Bipolar II?
I don't, but my boyfriend does. He takes pills regularly in order not to get depressed. But still it's hard for him to control his emotions, and he often has arguments with is family and psychiatrists. What he needs is a stable, loving person in his life whom he can always rely on and is able to deal with his extreme (positive as well as negative) emotions. I'm lucky to be that person for him, and I think it would definitely be helpful for you to have stable, loving and caring people in your life as well. I noticed that it's the only thing that helps my boyfriend. So I hope you have such persons in your life, or will find one soon otherwise