Any Suggestions? Please Help.


Okay so I am currently dealing with a spout of depression. I really would like some ideas on how to curb this episode and to help brighten my mood. This has been onset for a while and I’ve broken down once already but I would like some remedies. Any help?

Category: Tags: asked November 28, 2014

2 Answers

Since we are humans, physical exercise is a major way to relieve stress, plus drinking lots of water to promote blood flow and help your train of thought and get lots of sleep since even losing an hour of sleep can damage your mood.
I know where you are coming from completely. It may sound weird to respond to you when I'm actually going through the same thing but what I try to do is surround myself with people like friends and family. Or do an activity that I love. For instance, I actually taught myself the guitar just because of how horribly depressed I was feeling, it was the only thing that could possibly distract me from my own thoughts. It's the worst feeling depressed...You feel so alone. I just keep hoping that one day this feeling will go away... I'm sure you feel the same.