Anxiety help


Do you guys have any tips to help anxiety?

Category: asked June 6, 2013

3 Answers

I know when I am having a tough time I take a step back and listen to my favorit music and paint. how ever sometimes I cant do that so I do deep breathing and find a quiet place to sit and re compose my self
When I'm in a situation that I feel uncomfortable with I start trying to name as many of one thing in a head that I can: presidents, types of birds, breeds of dogs, farm animals, things that begin with the letter m or b or q or d. By taking my mind off of what's going on I find it easier to deal with everything. When that doesn't work I try to do things in small steps. Example: Thing that is causing stress or anxiety - Go to the meeting. Instead I focus on: catching a cab. Telling the cabby where to go, focusing on the drive. Go up the steps. Go down the hall. I only think about the things I'm doing.
This is going to sound bizarre, but for me, the best thing to relieve anxiety is to just have a good, hard cry. It's gets rid of all the pent up tension. I struggle with anxiety daily, and have learned to cope but sometimes you just need to go home and just bawl and get all of that out.