Anxiety help?


I’ve been dealing with anxiety for almost 3 years. Nothing seems to be helping. It seems to come and go plus I am be on tired of feeling like it has a hold on my life. does anyone who has overcame it or grown out of it have an suggestions on something to try or do to help?

Tags: asked April 6, 2014

8 Answers

Thank you everyone for all the support it means a lot! its been about 2 weeks since i had a bad panic attack im praying and keeping my fingers crossed that i got this under control. im still in the process of trying to find somewhere to go talk to someone. once again thanks and i greatly appreciate all the advice.
I have anxiety too and mine comes and goes as well. I have no idea what will set me off or when. I can go months without anything happening. I do have pills that will calm me down if i can't get calmed down but i don't have to take them very much. These are somethings I do to try and calm down before using the pill: -play music (try different kinds then the normal stuff you listen too, I prefer country for my every day listening but to help with anxiety I find hard rock works) -talk to someone (I have three people that I can call, my mom, grandmother and best girl friend. They all know about my anxiety so that helps but I just call them up and tell them I am having a hard time calming down and just talk to them. They are all use to it now so they know just to talk about anything, just as long as it getting me to focus on something else.) -play with my pets (I got my Claire for that very reason. It was suggested to me to get a pet, that it might help. It worked so well I get Emma not even a full year later. Both dogs) -this can be a hard one for some but try reading a novel. A comic book or the new paper might work too but I find novels work the best. The main thing I find with all of these things is that they get me to think and FOCUS on something other then myself. As for trying to preventing an attack, that is a bit harder. I just try to keep myself happy. Even the little things can do the trick. Like going to see a movie or coffee with a friend. I find my dogs help lot but I am very much a dog person. Mostly its up to you. It does take time and a lot of trial and error to find what works for you and most of all don't be afraid to try! My fave saying in life is it never hurts to try (or ask). Just don't give up because it does get better. I have had the problem most of my life but never knew what was wrong until I was 20. I am 25 now and just really getting a hang of it all.But now everything is going good. :)
Thank you for the feed back means a lot! I wont give up i know i can make it past this (:
I have anxiety as well. Mine seems to manifest in feeling like i'm not taking in the proper amount of air and It makes me feel like i'm suffocating. I also feel like an adrenaline rush and my skin tingles. What I have found helps me is cold fresh air and also taking deep slow breaths from my belly and not the lungs. Extending my belly outwards as I breath in. It sounds simple I suppose, but it seems to help me quite a bit.
I used to have bad anxiety and I still have it just not as bad and not as often. The thing I noticed was that when I had a productive, structured day where I would go up in the morning and do things that would keep my mind off things and at the end of the day I would feel tired and good about my day. That helped reduce my anxiety.
Any sort of emotion like anxiety can be overcome by just focussing at some other sweeter thing for around 5 minutes. you ll be clear from that impulsive effect of anxiousness
Go see a doctor right away! I waited about 3 and a half years before doing anything about it and I wished I had gone sooner when I finally went! It has been about 1 year and a half for me now since I went to a psychologist. Before I was going to therapy once a week for about 1 1/2 yrs but had never tried medicine I was afraid too. After becoming very desperate and exhausted from anxiety holding me back from doing anything that made me happy, I decided to try medicine and it was a success! Very small dosage but it helped to manage my levels of serotonin
I don't have anxiety but I took psychology. You should go see a doctor if it's bothering your daily activities. You can also do simple things like therapy. Many doctors offer therapy for anxiety disorders such as desensitization, shocks and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Take care, and don't worry. You've got a friend in me.