Annoying Feelings.


Well lately I’ve been getting annoyed, frustrated, irritated, angry. I know I can get mad at stupid things but it takes quite a long time, But lately I’ve been getting “snappy” at things: not play the game because I got a chartacter I’ve never played before and dont want to learn how to play them, Leaving the room because I don’t want to watch a show or movie, Sitting in haterid because my friend wount stop talking about this game his super interested in, or even staying mad or in this “snappy” state even after taking a few “tokes” of dope. (which should bring my Serotonin levels up and make me happier at least)

I just find it annoying because its ruining friendships, relationships, days, and just life in general. Anyone have ways of coping or dealing with this?
Cause right now I’m thinking guidance counselor again cause its been 2 months now…

Category: Tags: asked May 7, 2014

2 Answers

It sounds like you need to talk to a professional. I'm not sure how old you are, but as you age your hormones can cause everything you're describing. Be honest with your doctor about any drugs you're taking (over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational) to avoid any drug interactions. You can also take a step back when you start feeling like this and see if you can figure out what is triggering the anger. At least you are aware that this is happening...some people go their whole lives and never acknowledge they have a problem. Good luck.
I think you should figure out what's causing all this negativity. Maybe your sleeping habits plus the workload you're dealing with (in school or work) is causing you to be stressed out. Or perhaps it could be PMS or unresolved feelings. If you can't find out, then try to train your mind into seeing the happiness or the good side to everything. Remind yourself that you don't need to be angry all the time and that it's pointless to be upset over the smallest things. Exposing yourself to good people and a good environment could also be very helpful. It's really just a matter of finding ways for you to remain positive. So after you read this post, I want you to smile and remember that you're too fly to be mad over petty things. Alright? alright.