Am I unjustified?


Just this past friday, I finally gained the courage to come out to my dad. I decided to write a letter to him telling him that I was gay. As I was writing and for about the next hour I began to have an extreme panic attack. I was crying, hyperventilating, and I also just began to fear all the terrifying things that can happen to LGBTQ+ people when they come out. I began to pack bags and held onto my keys in fear that I could be assaulted by him and may have to leave. Luckily, I told my mom what I was doing and she kept supporting me and reassuring me, but I was in pain for the two hours after writing the letter while waiting for them to come home. When they did, I pulled my mom aside and asked her to make sure he didn’t talk about the letter until morning. She agreed and I then went to bed. All of yesterday, he never said a word to me, and today was no different. I have honestly given up with caring, we don’t have the relationship most family has with each other and I rarely feel empathy from him. I’ve come to the point where I feel like I did what was necessary by coming out and don’t care about what he does or feels. Is this wrong? Am I being a complete jerk? I don’t think so, but please, if someone does or has anything to say in response, do.

Category: Tags: asked February 17, 2014

6 Answers

In no way are you wrong. You did the right thing my coming out. If you didn't, ask yourself would it be any better? You would just be hidden. It feels a lot better being open in the long run. Some parents aren't as cool about it, and you really just have to accept it. Accept that they don't support it. I'm sure he still loves you no matter what, but don't feel bad. You had courage and you did something that tons could only dream of doing.
Standing up to loved ones is a tough skill to learn. You are not wrong.
The silence between you and your Dad must be painful, but it's easily broken. He has no reason to have even the slightest of contempt for you for being who you are. It's so awesome that you brought yourself to tell him. Just that alone deserves some serious respect. If your Dad doesn't realize that then let him be ignorant. Just don't let it affect your happiness. You've done absolutely nothing but a good thing. Just stay strong and don't let his negative reaction to your positive action make you feel bad.
I think you're fine. You didn't do anything wrong by wanting to have him accept you properly for who you are, and if he doesn't talk to you because of it, then that's his own fault. He's losing a fabulous kid if he doesn't accept you. You deserve happiness, don't let anyone make you feel different. Got it??
Just to play devils advocate here...maybe your dad just isn't making a big deal out of it? I'm not exactly sure of the circumstances and obviously I don't know you or your family but I know my dad will sometimes be quietly supportive.
If I'm completely off base though please ignore this. Sometimes parents are less than understanding and that sucks.
You did absolutely nothing wrong. What you did was really brave. If he can't accept you for who you are, then he doesn't deserve to have a relationship with you. Know that even if he doesn't support you, there are tons of people who will. I'm sure he still loves you and cares about you as his son. He probably just thinks that if he ignores you or treats you harshly, that you will change. Many parents are like this. He only hates it because he doesn't understand it. Please know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with who you are, and you are so brave and strong. Give him some time, maybe he just needs to process things. If he doesn't come around, you don't need his approval. Much love