Am I that ugly.. ?


people always tell me I am, even when I don’t believe them..

Category: asked March 25, 2014

8 Answers

You're GORGEOUS girl. People that tell you otherwise, are bullies that they feel the need to bring you down with them! Don't listen to them, they're nothing but strangers to you. The opinions of your loved ones and true friends are all that matter. You're beautiful inside & out, don't forget it <3
No. But from what I have seen from your posts, you need to stop fishing for attention, you are 16, these questions have made that clear. You define what makes you beautiful, nobody, no models, no fuckin actresses, only you.
Hello,Physically, no. But manifesting these thoughts is causing you to believe it. Ignore the comments. Love yourself unconditionally, both mentally and physically. This will portray a positive attitude both on the inside and out, and people with notice. Stay blessed - Elevated Goddess
its all in the mind!!!! if you believe you are beatiful it will shine through!!! and most people we have been led to believe are beautiful are really not that beautiful it their confidence that makes us think they are so beautiful.....
They're just trying to put you down. Don't listen to them. You're definately not ugly.
Knowing that you are not ugly is all that matters. When you are aware that the statements of others is wrong instead of giving in, believing it and feeling bad about yourself, you've won. People who judge the physical appearance of others are ugly [personality wise, that is]. Since you're not allowing yourself to feel the way these people are attempting to make you feel, there is no problem.
listen man, i'm not gonna bullshit you. regardless of how many times someone may compliment you, it takes one asshole to make you lose complete confidence in yourself. unfortunately, not everyone is going to find you attractive. not everyone is going to like you. that doesn't mean, though, that you aren't worth it/you aren't pretty. i personally find you gorgeous love, but someone else may not. but guess what? as crazy as that may sound, it's okay. i shouldn't be one to talk because i clearly don't take my own advice, but letting everything that other people think of you affect you isn't good. to a certain degree, some constructive criticism is always good. but on the same token, it isn't everything that matters. at the end of the day, the only person you have to look in the mirror and be okay with is you. no one else should matter. if you can look at yourself in the eye and believe in yourself, you're the most powerful person on this planet. don't let anyone take your power away. if you need anything just message me darling. stay strong (:
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I think you are gorgeous. But beauty is only skin deep. Personality matters more then looks, and if someone thinks otherwise, then clearly they are ugly in and out. You can not ever please everyone and there is no sense trying. Just keep your chin up and know you are better then those jealous people.