Am i surpressing my sad emotions?


It’s been 4-5 months since i completely broke contact with my ex, because she didn’t want me back and i found out she had gotten a new boyfriend. I was the one leaving her in the first place, but as they say: “you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone” so that quickly explains why i wanted her back. WELL.
I’ve been very sad since i wasn’t able to get her back, i was very sad the first month and then i started to get better, but still thought about her everyday, maybe just quickly once. This last month i’ve been very sad about it and cried a few times, and a lot of times i’ve wanted to cry, but just didn’t. I get the feeling that i should be over her and i’ve been thinking that crying is like torturing myself, however im also afraid that if i don’t cry i will be surpressing a lot of emotional anger and sadness and it might give me problems in the future. You have any advice? :(

Category: Tags: asked January 6, 2015

3 Answers

I understand that this hurts you. Even when you're the one breaking up, it can still hurt a lot. It's okay to cry and to let it all out. They say if you really love someone, set them free. If they come back, they're yours, but if they don't they were never yours to begin with. I know it hurts for you to see her with someone else, but if you really love her, set her free. This isn't easy to do, but don't you want her to be happy? Maybe she's happy with that other guy. Within time the pain will ease and someone else will cross your path. If you ever need to talk to let it all out, my inbox is always open.
have you tried to write out on paper exactly how youre feeling? writing a letter to your self as you were speaking to a friend?
There's nothing wrong with crying it out; I find that it helps me a lot to just get it out of the way. It may sound cliche, but time heals most wounds. Just try to surround yourself with positive things and people, and sooner or later, things will get better. I'm sorry you're having to go through this, I know the feeling and it sucks so bad.