Am I right to be a bit bothered by this?


I know I stress a lot, but am I right to be bothered by what I’m about to explain?

My boyfriend and I are pretty close, we text on and off throughout the day. It usually starts with a couple of good morning texts, and ends with a couple of good night texts. When we’re both free, we try to talk on the phone for a few minutes.

At night, the good night text usually symbolizes when one of us is.going to bed, and ” signing off”, for the night. I’m usually the first one asleep, so his good night texT is typically the first text to my phone in the morning. Seeing it can perk me up for the morning.

Yesterday night, I wasn’t feeling well, and went to bed earlier than usual. I texted him saying good night, explaining why I was conking out early, and that was it. He worked pretty late last night, and I figured I wouldn’t get a response back until a lot later. I woke up today, and he hadn’t responded to my good night text, which to be honest, bothers me.

I kinda figured he was so tired after work last night, that he forgot, but still….m

He always responds to my good night text, no matter how late, or if we’ve fought or not. Am I right to be a bit bothered by him not responding?

Category: Tags: asked August 8, 2014

7 Answers

Hey so like @forgetmyname said you sound like you are in a bit of a long distance relationship, from personal experience in a similar situation I wouldn't worry about it unless its been a day with no reply. There are things that can really slow down sending a reply. What happened to me evertnow and then was that id get home late from work, and my cell phone was either almost dead or completly dead, and so id leave it to charge but id be too tired to wait for it. Maybe something similar is happening.
Have you talked to him about this?It could be exactly what you said. It happens to forget something. If he hasn't replied back after a full day I would start trying to find out what's going on. From what I can see, it looks like you guys are in a longdistance relationship? If not I apologize.But sometimes those are hard to keep up because you can't really see eachother. I'd say to get Skype so that you can video call each other :)But like I've said, wait it out a bit and text him something like "Goodmorning :) hope you slept well" and see if he responds. If not then try and call him. But don't press him to much. It can get annoying to always ask especially if it was forgotten or he is still sleeping.Cheers love <3
Hello there, try not to be bothered by it. Understand his situation that hes probably tired from work. My bf and I used to talk all the time and would text me good morning and good night texts. some nights hes so tired he forgets. But all is forgiven the next morning after he explained himself. Bottom line is, if he has a good reason, then theres nothing to worry about :)
It's okay to feel a bit off about it, but when you get a chance, talk to him about it. communication is important in a relationship.
i see why this could have thrown you off a little but i wouldn't worry about it. You said you were bothered by it so ask him about it, there is probably a perfectly reasonable explanation for it, he was out late, he was tried, his phone died, etc. hope it works out
I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes. But if it's the first time he didn't respond, then I wouldn't worry too much. If he does it again, you should probably confront him about it and ask him why he hadn't responded. Maybe he'll have a good explanation for what happened.
Just try and talk to him about this, because if it bothers you, maybe there is something up with him. Has work been kind of stressful lately? Just talk to him and make sure that he doesn't feel like you are putting him on the spot. I hope my advice was somewhat helpful.