am i really insecure?


I was chilling with my boyfriend in his house on sunday then suddenly this girl just knocks on his door, he went out then when he got back i told him that i hope we dont go through past experiences again because it was not the first time she did that and she’s now getting out of hand. he started ignoring my calls from that day when I sent him a message to ask why he is ignoring me he said he is keeping the peace between us, i also got a question from him that goes like ” if you saying that by Gabby coming here during your presence it’s disrespetful then will it be okay if she comes while you not there and i tell you that she was here and that she was using that glass over there to drink juice” i told him that i dont want that girl at the house ever.

now he told me to come take my staff and give him his peace, he say I’m insecure and the i dont trust him therefore he can not be with me anymore.

asked June 10, 2013

2 Answers

A) why should you feel bad? he's the one causing the problem! if it wasn't for him and that girl wouldn't you feel more secure and more peace? B) in my point of view he's attached to this girl or just can't get rid of her , it's better you find someone that could belong ONLY to you C) your not insecure , he has trouble forgetting. (i hope that helped)
This is not your fault at all! He should've had the common decency to respect your want to have a one on one kind of connection while you were at his house.