Am I making a wrong decision?


I am completely stuck with a decision I have decided to make that takes me away from my home/ my mom/ my comfort zone. Although it is not a bad life decision, my emotions are the problem. I have lived in Cali for two years. Was not able to attend college when I had originally applied due to financial reasons, so I dropped and went to beauty school. Got my license and I really enjoyed it. But for my future, I cannot see myself doing hair forever and me being satisfied with just that. So recently I decided now was the best time for me to go back to college, because I have a better financial support. Problem is, I want to go to school in West Virginia, away from my home. My mom, who I am so incredibly close with, is obviously not a huge fan of this idea. I never want to disappoint her but I also can’t live under my mom forever. I am single and young and now is my time to find myself. Even though I have that urge for independence I feel scared and somewhat guilty for leaving. What if I am miserable back east, or I miss my “norm” too much for me to let it go and make a new life. Do I stay where I’m comfortable or do I go and find myself and get that degree I’ve always wanted no matter what struggle I have to face? Please I just need some unbiased thoughts. Thanks!

Category: asked October 29, 2014

4 Answers

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Andre Gide
If you stay in your comfort zone, there will come a day, I promise you, when you will start wondering how much would your life have changed have you had the courage to follow your dreams. This idea will eat you alive for along time.
If you decide to leave, however, there's no knowing whether you'll be happy or not. Of course at first, things will seem a bit hard, being detached from your safety bubble and having to stand on your own is never a pleasant feeling, but that's what life is about. It's about getting out of your mother's womb. Remember that if you do decide to leave, there is always the option of coming back if things prove that it wasn't a good decision. So worst case scenario you would trade one year, say, of your current everyday routine with new experiences.
I know that getting away from your mom is really hard for both of you. But that's why she raised you and made all the sacrifices that she did make. So that you may have life, and have it more abundantly!
Good luck! And please feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk about it!
What the other guy say is pretty the truth, I'm going through a kinda similar scenario and even though Im really afraid and very nervous about it I know that it will be full of new experiences, good or bad I think is something we have to try to find that "taste" of life. Im really scared about leaving my family too and going to a different country and my main language is not the one used there, but there could be a new begining there for you!
Consider a middle option, a local school and a cheap rented living situation. You would be not under her roof, but also within range.
I think you are making the right decision. If nothing ever changes, you aren't living your life. Right, anyway. This sounds like it will be better for you in the long run and you may make some good friends in West Virginia. Besides, you could go home during breaks and it is only temporary. Good luck!