Am I Depressed?? or What Is It??


okay so a lot of legal crap has happened in the last year and now my mom has a baby. That’s fine. I love my brother, but I’m just having trouble with the whole changes. My family loves him (as do I) and they are totally okay with everything. But I just can’t ajust!! And I’m not sure of anything other than what you just read. I thank you in advance for all the answers and advise.

Category: asked May 1, 2013

2 Answers

Hi, I don't think you are depressed just need sometime to adjust really and probably space to get used to all the changes. Everyone is different and maybe you just need space or time to adjust and like you said you love your brother but the change is still just bugging you.
Its a baby. Its a drastic lifestyle shift. Its going to suck at first, and it isn't something everyone can just pick up. So be easy on yourself, we are after all only human. However if this starts to het in the way of everyday life, I recommend you seek professional assistance