Am i cravy from wanting to lose weight even though my friends and family are saying i’m too skinny?


Personally I think I’m fat, but others don’t see it apparently.

Category: Tags: asked May 25, 2013

4 Answers

How tall are you? What's your current weight? Given the delicate nature of dietary disorders, which tend to have to do with warped self perceptions by the patient, we need to resort to objective measures to see what's going on.
Do you know how to calculate your BMI (body mass index)? Google the phrase and you can find calculators online, you only need to enter your weight and height. That can give you an indication about how healthy your weight is. As for the part about attractiveness and how you feel in your own skin, that's much more subjective and we're often our own worst critics. You definitely must have something really beautiful about yourself, look for that in you ... Just make sure you're not depriving yourself of a healthy diet with everything that you need.
why you want to loose your weight? Love yourself the way you are.
If your friends and family are saying you‘re skinny,you probably are than. Stop worrying about your weight if its not necessary! You are beautiful just the way you are. Maybe talking to a guidance councellor could help?