Am I Being Avoided ?


I asked this girl named suzie if she would hang out with me 2 weeks ago. That following week she didn’t come to school, so she didn’t see me in one class we have together every other day. So she didn’t talk to me at all that week.

This week I asked her again on Wednesday and she said she cant because she got a job and i asked her if next friday would be better for her and she said yes. But, I’m not convinced given that she skips the class i’m in with her and she never checks her facebook(hardy)

I just want to know if she is trying to shove me off or she is genuinely busy, we are supposed to hang out on friday the 26th it is friday the 19th right now.

Thank you if you respond

Category: asked September 19, 2014

3 Answers

Well, it sounds like she made plans with you... So how is that avoiding you? I have a rule: Ask and try to arrange 3 times over the course of a few weeks. If it doesn't work out or they are always busy, then right now is probably not the right time to pursue the connection. She sounds like she's busy. Being in school and working is a very tiring and time consuming life to live, and often doesn't leave you any free time. It can be hard to give what free time you do have to hanging out with other people. She knows you want to hang out, and has made tentative plans, so just chill out and wait. Just make sure you are not planning on a set outing day if all she said was that next Friday would be better. That's not really making set plans. Go with the flow, and if the hangout doesn't work, it's probably time to move on. Sometimes people don't want to be rude or hurtful, sometimes they would actually like to hang out and they can't, and the pressure of being asked repeatedly for time ultimately drives them farther away.
First, you have no idea what is going on in her life right now. She could be busy. She could have major family problems. So don't read into it too much.

Second, just be persistent but not smothering. Say hello. Don't make a big deal about things. Don't act like it is bothering you. Try to stay positive.

Most importantly, she is not the only girl out there. Keep your eyes open. There may be another girl interested in you but you are so focused on this one that you will miss the opportunity.

Good luck! Hope it works out for you!
Ask her friends when she isn't there, if they think she is avoiding you.