

When someone is drunk, and they do actions they wouldn’t normally do sober. Do you believe that those actions happen because the alcohol losens them up and they are able to express themselves in a way they can’t while being sober?

asked May 21, 2014

6 Answers

Alcohol definitly loosens people up. For some people, alcolhol is a great way of making new friends because you have less social anxiety. Problem is, when you drink too much, you're probably going to do some weird stuff you wont even think of doing when you are sober.The saying goes "Drunk people always tell the truth", but thats not always true. People mostly just say stupid things when they are drunk
When you drink alcohol, your self-restraint lessens, so I do feel that some people that lock up their emotions are able to express themselves more accurately over a drink. However, not everything that comes out of a drunken mouth is going to be 100% accurate. Use your own judgement dependent on what you know about the person.
Alcohol acts as a sedative so it's very possible.
yup! i like to drink to relax. i don't drink too often but when i do I get really happy, feel like dancing.. and im in a great mood..just don't drink too much cuz alcohol will dehydrate you and make you feel like sh!t the next day
Alcohol makes you feel good and do things that you wouldn't do when your sober. Alcohol coats your judgment but think of it this way DRUNK WORDS AND ACTIONS ARE SOBER THOUGHTS
Ok, bartender/EMT authority here. Yes, alcohol tends to make people honest. It also tends to make them do and say incredibly stupid things. Telling which is which is not based as much on the person as what they're talking about. If you ask someone their opinion on something when they're drunk, they'll probably give you an extremely honest answer. There's a but, however. That answer may only be true WHILE they're drunk, if it's about whether something should be done. Seeing as their judgement is busy drowning in ethanol somewhere in their liver, they may have one opinion when they're drunk and a completely different one when they're sober. If they're just talking about random crap, most of the time it's just general stupidity. Hell, I once spent a drunken evening convincing an entire bar I was Scottish. Just think logically about what things would be altered by being drunk, usually you can tell with just common sense.