I am 13 years old and I am a girl. I have been addicte to porn and masturbation since I was about 6 years old. I haven’t old my parent or anyone else about this yet and It is killing me. I really need to tell someone or get a counselor but it would be EXTREMELY embarrassing and horrific to tell my parents I have watched XXX rated movies just to get help. every time I get the urge NOTHING helps. I can’t stop it. any ideas on who else to tell besides parents and how to stop this?

Category: asked March 13, 2015

16 Answers

Maybe you could tell an adult you trust and maybe talk to your school counselor if you can trust them. Maybe they can show you ways to stop. Find someone you trust and tell them. It's probably something you can try.
Something tells me this is a troll post.
If it's not, however, it's called puberty. Your brain is essentially overclocked and your hormones are raging. Nothing wrong with porn, everyone secretly watches it.
btw this isn't a troll post. and no porn is not oky to watch and I want to stop. I really need someone to help me out here with their answers
but if it isn't wrong, then why can minors go to jail for it?
It's ok just take a deep breathe and calm down. Yes in my opinion it is not 100% right, but just chill. Find a different hobby to relax yourself with, like yoga, or reading, or just simply walking. Whenever you get the urge to either watch porn or masturbate just do this new hobb, like going out on a walk, or just go over to a friends house or something of the type. Once you get into the rhythm of ignoring it it won't go away, but the urge will lessen until it is nothing. Trust me, I've have gone through something similar before
Minors can't go to jail for it. Also not everything that is illegal is inherently "wrong", i.e. marijuana. There has been not one recorded death from smoking pot, it's less addictive than tobacco, and nobody's committed a murder to support their weed addiction, yet it's still illegal.
What you're experiencing is called curiousity. And you're 13, so you're probably in the middle of puberty. As I stated before, your brain is going fucking nuts and wants to know everything and everything about sex it can possibly find out. And, you have the internet, so what are you going to do? Naturally, you're gonna watch porn. There's nothing wrong with it.
@candy21 I said in my question that I've tried everything. I've tried what you said also.
Try to tell this to a counselor in your school. I assume you have that in your school. It might seem scary, but you need therapy. This won't go away out of it's own. There are a few movies, based upon true stories about this sort of addiction. You might be worried what your parents may think, but it's important for you to get therapy if your addiction is that severe that it interrupts your daily life.
Trying to stop watching porn as a teenager mid-puberty is like trying to stop an 18-wheeler with a pebble. It's natural and there is nothing you can do against your own sex drive. You're up against a billion years of evolution, my friend.
You could always try getting rid of the virtual world. I don't know if you have tried that yet. And there is nothing honestly wrong with masturbation.
I've been trying not to masturbate because masturbation for me erodes my willpower. What I do is when you have sexual arousal of any kind, you quickly switch the tone of that energy. For example, when I see someone that arouses me I immediately switch that sexual energy to be committed toward studying or doing homework. There have been studies that suggest that porn can actually rewire your brain in a negative way. Here's a TED talk about it:
Young lady, you are not "addicted" to pornography. It is called "puberty". You are growing up, and the blunt fact is that sex and masturbation are fun. What you are experiencing is guilt; you have been educated and indoctrinated into thinking that there is something wrong with your body experiencing sexual pleasure. This could not be further from the truth.

Sex is a completely natural part of life. It is not obscene, nor is it shameful. Your feelings of guilt over your enjoyment of your experiences is misplaced, and you would do yourself a great favor by abandoning that guilt.

Now that is not to say that you should run out at 13 and begin to have tons of sex. It means only that you should remove the guilt from your enjoyment of pornographic images. Porn is intended to entice, excite, allure and please, so you are not wrong, dirty or bad for feeling the way you do.
@summer and @argentwarrior I really don't appreciate your responses. this sucks to be addicted to something like this for so long and you guys jut respond carelessly and unthoughtfully. you are the kind of people hat make things like this worse.
I sent you a private message about this! please read it and respond if you need to.P.S. Pornography addiction is a real and actual problem. I acknowledge that in my message.
I'm pretty sure this is a troll or an uneducated girl. Chances are, she isn't really addicted. She thinks porn is wrong and ew. She's most-likely being raised in a religious home and is freaking out over something minor. There's a difference in watching porn and masturbating when you get the urge and being an addict. Porn is fine. It's not gross or unnatural, it's sex which is a basic human function. You guys need to calm down. You'll get over it eventually, it's a thing called puberty; your brain and body are trying to sync together and exploring sexually is a way it happens. I highly doubt youre "addicted", calm down.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with porn. It's human nature. I'm going to guess that your family is excessively Christian and thinks anything related to sex, human nature, and the human body is "sinful" and "unnatural", am I right?