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About Me

Joined this site in 2014 when I was in a bad place in life and just wanted somewhere to post my thoughts, somewhere to be heard.. Somewhere I could vent openly without negativity, and this site gave me that. I went through a lot of change, a lot of life lessons and more pain than I thought I could bare. But through everything, I survived the storm. I feel as if I'm finding myself again, and slowly remembering the good part of who I used to be.

Though I will answer questions/ask for advice frequently, I'm mostly here for the same reasons I joined.

I'm here if anyone would like to vent, or just needs someone to talk to.
~peace, good vibes, and love ~



Experienced with

Abuse, Addiction, Depression, Grieving, Marriage, Mental Disorders, Phobias, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety

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