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    Oli posted an update 2 years, 9 months ago

    I feel so hopeless, depressed, worried, lost, scared, uncertain, alone and isolated :( , I will always be this reclusive loner, the future looks so very bleak, there is no hope for Oli, none :(

    Mood : Depressed
    • I know it’s very difficult, my dear friend. But for sure there is hope for you. The same hope you’ve been giving to all of us during all these years. You have brightened our darkest days with your kindness and compassion. Whenever you feel overwhelmed with all of those feelings, please reach to any of us. We are here for you, in the same way you are for us. Keep hanging on, you are very strong my friend!!!

    • Oli, this world has been so difficult the past few years. You have made it this long. Don’t give up. You have given many of us hope over the years and I hope that you know that someone out here is willing to talk with you and help you through this