• Profile picture of Prettyangel197
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    Prettyangel197 posted an update 7 years ago

    Constantly feeling stressed and depressed, I felt fine for awhile, but now it’s back. I don’t want to feel like this anymore.

    Mood : Depressed
    • Oli replied 7 years ago

      Please don’t feel depressed or sad @prettyangel197, you are such a fabulous, amazing and incredible person who deserves love and happiness in life, surround yourself with all the things that bring you joy and focus on getting yourself to a good place emotionally and mentally, hold your head up high and look forward towards the bright future that is ahead for you, believe in yourself and know you are a survivor who will make it, don’t ever give up, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • i understand you 100%, because this happens to me too. The best advice i can give you is try and find the little things that put a smile on your face, and spend time relaxed either by yourself or with people who make you feel carefree. I personally don’t have any people like that around, so when im feeling down i go on mini adventures, like spending the day seeing different places around your town. I also buy my favorite snacks, put it in a backpack, and i like to go rooftopping and watch the sunset. It seems corny but its those little things that show you that things can be beautiful and happy. Good luck and if you ever need a friend, im here for you.