• Profile picture of kealee b
    Passing Stranger
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    kealee b posted an update in the group Group logoGirl Talk 7 years, 7 months ago

    I dont know what to do anymore. I have been in a relationship where I have to beg and plead for attention because he is so distracted. And recently things are even worse because of parents and everyone else around us. His mother has some controlling issues. He is 21 years old and she takes his phone and laptop at midnight. It is the most frustrating thing when you are trying to have a mature relationship and you watch your partner get treated like he is 10 every day of your life.
    I feel like within the past 3 years… I have watched him downgrade from a 18 confident loving guy. to a 21 year old that is very unconfident, disengaged guy that acts like hes 10 because his mother us blind of how old her son really is

    I dont know what to do

    • His mother really should let him be independent @kealeeb, hopefully he will realise that he needs to live his own life Kealee, it’s good that he has the support of his mother but at the same time, he has to try to make things happen in his own way, try to talk to him about your concerns and let his mother know how you feel, be honest with him Kealee, hopefully things will work out for both of you sweetie, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent, message me anytime, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)