• Profile picture of Kamaile2001
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    Swagtastilicious helper posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    When I see someone who is suicidal I don’t think of them as stupid,
    I wonder, what is so bad that they think this is the only way out
    We all say the same thing ”You will be missed” Well if they truly knew that they wouldn’t be in that stage. The people that you say would ”Supposedly” Miss them should show them.
    Because at the moment at that time that they want to end it all, They think no one cares.
    If you say that you miss them when they are dead tell them what they mean to you when they are alive.
    If you are going to say you love them once they are dead. Show them that you love them when they are alive.
    Don’t use someone else’s death to draw attention to yourself
    Don’t use someone’s suicide against someone else to again draw attention to yourself .

    Life is hard sometimes, okay ? I know I get it, I was there at one point. But now I’m here skyping with my best friend,who has the best smile & is always there for me. Life will get better eventually. And if it doesn’t contact me & I will do anything I can & anything in my power to change that, I promise you.


    I just saw this writing on my computer and I remember writing this when I first made a blah. Blah made my life better and I’m so thankful for everyone on here who helped me with that. You guys are so amazing and never stop sharing your positivity. And everyone who is struggling: This is only a stage that is preparing you for the other hardships in life and you just keep fighting and never give up because one day when you look back on yourself being a slump on your bed or couch you’ll be on your thrown laughing at everyone who said you couldn’t make it

    Mood : Happy
    • Keep inspiring others to keep going and living each day to the fullest and brightest @kamaile2001, I’m so glad you are here on Blah, continue being the compassionate, sweet and kind angel that you are :) (hugs)