• Profile picture of kkyyne
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    kkyyne posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    yay over the cold……. now its test time….studying hard with no sleep…..yay!

    Mood : Sad
    • Do you happen to procrastinate by any chance? I remember when I was 13, I did that a lot. One time it was so bad that I actually pulled an all nighter to finish a project and actually fell asleep in one of my free periods. You should use a technique called the pomodoro technique to schedule your work. How it works is that you work for 25 minutes take a break for 5 minutes and do that 4 times over. So it would be like: 25-5, 25-5, 25-5, 25-25 then repeat. The 25 minutes at the end is the long break as a reward. Here’s more info about it: http://pomodorotechnique.com/

    • i do procrastinate a lot actually, thanks for the technique i will most definitely use it.

    • Do try to get a good sleep when you can @kkyyne, just do your best and work as hard as you can, I’m sure you will do wonderfully on your test, good luck, you can do it, believe in yourself, I’m always here if you need to talk :) (hugs)