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    Oli posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    I’m still so sad, alone and depressed, I have been this way for such a long time that you get used to it, it’s pathetic I know but it’s true, still feeling as bad as I did since my last status update, I have to try to make things better, I know I do, but things never seem to go my way, so why bother?, I’m such a total hypocrite, try to make others feel good with kind words but I can’t even follow them to help myself, why do you all listen to me?, I apologise again to everyone in the amazing Blah community, I’m truly sorry, I’m so unbelievably stupid, I’m haunted by the past and scared of what lies ahead, although I already know that I have a non-existent life and a rubbish future, my life will always be like this, no matter what I do, why am I on this earth?, what is my purpose?, I just don’t know, once again, I apologise for being like this everyone, I’m sorry :(

    Mood : Depressed
    • You’re not a hypocrite, Oli, nor are you stupid. You’ve done a great feat by logging on each day just to support everyone with optimistic and loving, heartful comments. You’re a very special and unique person. And you won’t have a horrible future. The future isn’t already decided. You decide the future yourself, because you can’t change the past but you COULD change what happens in the future. And everyone here has a very unique and special purpose. You have the freedom to create the purpose you want in your life. You can do it <3

    • You don’t need to apologise. Helping others doesn’t make you a hypocrite. Sometimes we all need someone to help us when we can’t help ourselves. You’re caring and compassionate. If you need to talk my inbox is always open.

    • I wanted to respond to this but it seems @cynicalgravy has already hit the nail on the head.

    • *hug* Definitely not a hypocrite. Some of us help better when we feel awful on the inside. You can have a really bright future because you are the one who determines what happens. You’re not stupid, you seem to be a very intelligent, sensitive and empathetic soul. There is nothing hypocritical about what you do, in fact I find it makes me a better listener when I’m at my most depressed.

      Be kind to yourself, and don’t be afraid to take time out for yourself, and ask for help.

    • I think we all go through those times, Oli. I’ve been chronically depressed for years but I’m slowly getting out of it with the help of a good support system and a great counselor. I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder and I’ve learned a lot just in the past year about myself that I never knew. You are no way a hypocrite and you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to apologize for feeling the way you do. Just know that you have a support system and people that care about you. =)

    • You are so not alone Oliver. We all go through rough times in life and I have felt the same way you do. But I will tell you this… You do help allot with your words and i hope to continue being friends. I am here for you if you ever want to talk about it

    • Please don’t apologize for helping. You have a kind heart and you always know how to give people hope and I thank you for that, Stay Strong, you are never alone and I’m always here for you. My inbox is always open if you want to talk or get advice, I’m here for you. Keep your head up and smile even when you don’t feel like it xx

    • Hey @Oli just wanted to say you are NOT a hypocrite, and the fact that you’re such a nice person astounded me when I first came here haha, I always think everyone is a backstabbing jerk. Don’t apologize for being depressed! You can’t help it, and instead of doing nothing about it you spend so much of your time trying to make others feel better even though you feel like crap, you’re seriously awesome. I’m sure the Blah community appreciates it. Remember anyone here is willing to talk, including me, it’s the least anyone can do after all you’ve done. I’m not saying this to make you feel better, you’re such a nice person and don’t deserve to feel down, hang in there

    • *hugs* Oli don’t say that. You have helped me accomplish so much with your kind words. Its with you and the blah community that I found the confidence to get the help that I need. You are a staple in the blahfamily and we all love you! Stay safe, be strong, and hold on *hugs* <3

    • *hugs* sometimes you just have to look at being awake today as a big accomplishment. Tomorrow, being awake, and something else that you do. One day at a time, honey. That is all any of us can ever do.

    • awwww…dont worry, its hope what keeps humans alive. I have experienced what you feel , and i always think my future will get better. :)

    • Please Oli, don’t say that

    • its life oli…just move with the flow ,doont take anything as it bothers you.everything will be alright

    • So, I know it’s been a month since you wrote this status, but I haven’t been around for quite a long time and I’m sorry.
      Firstly, I have to admit you’re a total stranger to me, although you were the one who,even with just a comment on a status I’d written, you made me see things from a different angle. And I know that a ’thank you’ isn’t enough for a person like you, since you’re one of the most helpful people I’ve met through the whole internet. Dude, you help almost everybody in this very site and if there’s somebody who doesn’t deserve to feel like this,then it’s you.
      I understand you’re sad for some personal reasons, but please try to do something that pleases you and makes you forget things for some time. And now you’ll say, does it even matter if it’s not a permanent solution? Well, everything that makes you happy matters,no matter the duration of it. You also say you feel alone. Well, we are born in a world full of other bodies like us and yet, everybody feels like they’re alone. Funny, isn’t it? But still, if you feel like you don’t have anybody, you can try finding some new people, whether they’re from the internet or the place you live. You can always find some cure for loneliness and even depression. I personally believe that connecting with other people is the key to happiness. Even though some people say we are born alone in a world where we should live by ourselves, I think that’s pure bullshit, Yeah, I know I’m getting quite stupid and philosophical and shit but I’m trying to make you feel better so I’m gonna do my best! Well, the fact that are born from another human being and usually with the help of other humans,is just the first step to our social life, even if all we do is crying for the most part at first. And life goes on, and we keep on crying over things, which get more and more complicated and we get to the point where we’re not crying for a lollipop anymore but sometimes for our own very life. So what should we do then? TALK! CONNECT with other people. Some people believe it’s our generation that’s fucked up ,but let’s face it, people have always been sad and lonely and that’s completely normal. It’s human nature. But when do people stop being lonely? It’s a fact that it’s healthier for the human souls when they feel like they belong somewhere, whether it’s a community,a family or just a group of friends. So I suggest you to focus on something like that, if it makes you happy of course.
      Also, you say you’re haunted by your past. I know I can’t just tell you to forget. I don’t think it’s that possible to forget something that has made you feel like that for alll this time. But what you can do, is to live with your past.
      Facing things might sound kinda scary and living with the memories that you’ve been trying to avoid sounds crazy, but life’s crazy too so we should play it like that. It might be difficult at first, bur please give it a try. Nobody deserves to be tortured by their past, no matter their mistakes.
      Well, I see my comment got a little long so I’ll stop here. Please,please, pleaaase try some of these ’tips’ a stranger suggested you on an internet site(oh well,yeah!) and be careful! I wish you the best <3

    • *bear hugs* Don’t say that! You help every one here and if for nothing else, your on this planet to help us! Just look at all these comments if you need any proof! You always help us, let us help you for once!