• Profile picture of MandiJay2012
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    MaddiCakes posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    i can’t remember wanting to be alive.
    even as a kid death seemed a moer suitable option for me
    somehow i knew this is how i would end up
    dying alone
    screaming silently in my room while my parents are oblivious upstairs
    blood dripping off my wrists as consciousness fades in and out

    waking up alone and dizzy in a pool of my own blood

    i’ve always been a failure

    Mood : Exhausted
    • Please don’t let sadness get you down @maddicakes, you are such a beautiful human-being Maddi who deserves all the happiness and joy in the world, things may seem hard but they will change for the better, great things will happen to you and you will be so successful, you are a survivor who will overcome and who never gives up, you will beat all your struggles and you will win all your battles, show everyone how truly incredible you are, so many more brighter days will be ahead Maddi, you can do this, always believe in yourself and keep going forward with confidence, there is always hope, stay strong, you are never alone, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)